What Happens to Doctors Found Guilty of Medical Malpractice?

People depend on doctors to treat them when they fall ill or suffer an injury. When you go to a doctor, the last thing you expect is to end up in a worse condition than before. Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon. Going to a doctor and ending up in a worse condition than before can be devastating, especially when your condition worsens because of a doctor’s negligence. When you suffer harm due to a doctor’s negligence, you don’t have to bear the burden of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages alone. You are entitled to file a medical malpractice claim against the negligent doctor and seek compensation for the harm suffered. Apart from being required to compensate you for the harm suffered, a doctor found guilty of medical malpractice may face other repercussions. This article discusses some of the consequences doctors face when they are found “guilty” of medical malpractice.
Legal Consequences
The most immediate and severe consequences of being found “guilty” of medical malpractice are the legal consequences. As mentioned already, if you suffer harm due to a doctor’s negligence, you can file a medical malpractice claim and seek compensation. If it is determined that the doctor was negligent, which is what “guilty” means in the context of civil cases, compensation will be awarded. Compensation can cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. In the most severe medical malpractice cases, a doctor may face criminal charges. However, in most cases, medical malpractice does not result in criminal charges.
Professional Consequences
A doctor found liable for medical malpractice can suffer several professional consequences. First, a doctor’s reputation may be adversely impacted, leading to the loss of patients. Patients may lose trust in a doctor who has been found guilty of medical malpractice. Second, while a medical malpractice lawsuit does not automatically mean a doctor will lose their license, it is possible for a doctor to lose their license after being found liable for medical malpractice. For example, a state board might suspend or revoke a doctor’s license if the investigation reveals the doctor engaged in gross negligence, fraud, or intentionally misconduct. Lastly, hospitals and clinics may be reluctant to associate with a doctor who has been found guilty of medical malpractice, making it hard for them to find work.
Insurance Consequences
Doctors are required to carry malpractice insurance. Doctors found liable for medical malpractice face increased premiums.
Contact an Atlanta Medical Malpractice Attorney
If you have suffered from medical malpractice in Georgia, contact our qualified Atlanta medical malpractice attorney at Carroll Law Firm for a case evaluation.