Types of Labor and Delivery Malpractice

Labor and delivery are critical times in the lives of the mother and the newborn. This process begins with the onset of labor contractions and ends with the baby’s birth. The process of childbirth can occur naturally or may require medical interventions such as induction, the use of delivery instruments, or a cesarean section (C-section). While most healthcare professionals are competent and capable of ensuring the childbirth process proceeds without significant issues, some healthcare professionals make mistakes that can have devastating consequences, including death. Parents whose children suffer birth injuries or die during the birth process due to the negligence of healthcare professionals have legal options. They can file a medical malpractice claim and seek the justice and compensation they deserve. At Carroll Law Firm, our experienced Atlanta medical malpractice attorney can help you fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.
Different Types of Labor and Delivery Malpractice
Various medical mistakes can occur during childbirth. By understanding the types of labor and delivery malpractice, expectant mothers can remain alert and ensure healthcare professionals adhere to the highest standards of care. While there are many types of labor and delivery malpractice, the following are some of the most common:
Failure to Monitor and Address Fetal Distress
During childbirth, it is vital for healthcare professionals to monitor the baby’s transition from a low-oxygen environment in the mother’s womb to a high-oxygen environment. If a baby begins to experience distress, such as a drop in heart rate, a qualified doctor should act quickly and appropriately to avoid unnecessary harm to the newborn. If fetal distress is not monitored and addressed quickly and appropriately, it can result in brain damage, cerebral palsy, or even stillbirth.
Failure to Appropriately Address Shoulder Dystocia
Shoulder dystocia arises when one or both of a baby’s shoulders get stuck in the pelvis during childbirth. When a child’s shoulder(s) get stuck in the mother’s pelvis, the situation should be treated as an emergency. If a doctor acts promptly and appropriately, a baby with shoulder dystocia can be born safely. Unfortunately, some healthcare professionals fail to act appropriately to address this condition, leading to complications.
Delayed or Unperformed C-Sections
Another common type of labor and delivery malpractice is delayed or unperformed C-sections. To prevent complications for both the baby and mother, a doctor must make a timely decision to perform a C-section. Failure to recognize the need for a C-section or delaying the procedure can have devastating consequences.
Improper Use of Delivery Instruments
The proper use of delivery instruments, such as forceps and vacuum extractors, is crucial to avoid harm to the baby and mother. Improper use of a delivery instrument can lead to nerve damage, skull fractures, bleeding, infections, or severe tearing.
Contact an Atlanta Medical Malpractice Attorney
If you have been a victim of labor and delivery malpractice, contact our skilled Atlanta medical malpractice attorney at Carroll Law Firm for legal help.