3 Mistakes To Avoid After Getting Injured By A Defective Product

All manufacturers are obligated to ensure their products are safe for use. If a design defect or manufacturing defect results in you suffering injuries, you may be eligible for compensation. You may also be eligible for compensation after suffering an injury because of a warning defect, which is a defect that arises when a manufacturer fails to give product users adequate warnings or instructions.
Unfortunately, many people do not know about product liability laws, which results in them making mistakes that negatively affect the success of their claims. The following are three of the most common mistakes people make after suffering an injury because of a defective product.
Mistake #1: Attempting To Fix the Defective Product
After getting injured by a defective product, do not try to fix the product. If you attempt to fix a defective product after suffering an injury, the manufacturer may argue that you caused the defect. They may claim that the product was not defective when it left their control.
Apart from risking jeopardizing your product liability claim, trying to fix a defective product can cause other defects that can place you and your loved ones in harm’s way.
Mistake #2: Throwing Away the Defective Product
Any product liability claim revolves around the defective product. You may need the defective product to be able to prove your claim. Therefore, you need to avoid throwing away a defective product after it causes you injury. As much as you don’t want the item hurting someone else, throwing it away is the last thing you should do.
Apart from having the product itself, ensure you also have your receipt, the owner’s manual, and original packaging.
Mistake #3: Failing To Seek Prompt Medical Attention
After suffering an injury because of a defective product, you need to seek prompt medical attention. Doing so can ensure you receive the treatment you need on time. Even if you don’t think your injury is severe, make sure you see a doctor as soon as possible.
Additionally, seeking prompt medical attention after suffering an injury because of a defective product is crucial to your product liability claim. When you see a physician soon after your injury, that may facilitate proving that the defective product actually caused your injury. Also, if you seek prompt medical attention, you can show that you took the necessary steps to mitigate your injury.
Contact an Atlanta Defective Product Attorney
If you have been injured by a defective product in Atlanta or anywhere in Georgia and need help recovering damages from the product’s manufacturer, contact the Atlanta defective product attorneys at Carroll Law Firm. We can help you recover the maximum possible amount of compensation.